Betty Yu's "Discovering My Grandfather Through Mao" featured in On-lIne Festival

Betty Yu's 2012 short film, "Discovering My Grandfather Through Mao" is now streaming online as part of Culture Unplugged's Humanity Explored FIlm Festival.

From Betty Yu's "Discovering My Grandfather Through Mao"

From Betty Yu's "Discovering My Grandfather Through Mao"

"Discovering My Grandfather Through Mao" (18mins) 

Synopsis: “Discovering My Grandfather through Mao” is a short documentary about my personal journey as I uncover my grandfather’s radical history as a labor organizer and co-founder of the Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance of New York (CHLA), one of the oldest Chinese-American labor organizations in this country. 

My grandfather, Sui Woo, was a hand laundry worker. He got together with other workers and recognized the need for an organization that could challenge the racist and anti-Chinese policies in the 1930's America.