Betty wins the 2017 Documentary Film Award from James Aronson Awards for Social Justice Journalism for "Three Tours"

Betty received the 2017 Documentary Film Award from James Aronson Awards for Social Justice Journalism for "Three Tours". Her documentary film, "Three Tours" captures the lives of three U.S. military veterans, Nicole Goodwin, Ramon Mejia and Ryan Holleran, as they work to heal their wounds and battle with PTSD resulting from their deployments in Iraq. The film follows their transformation from U.S. military trained soldiers to agents of change advocating for proper mental health treatment of veterans and an end to unjust wars.

In the coming year Betty will be focusing on getting the film distributed and screened out in veteran communities, rural and communities of color that are most impacted by militarism and this "economic draft". She also hopes these powerful stories can be used as anti-military recruitment tools in schools. Now more than ever she feel it's important to get this film out there as Trump increases funding for the military to wage unjust wars, occupy foreign nations while accelerating his Islamophobia, hate and war mongering.

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